Donnerstag, Oktober 23, 2008

USA: Anteil männlicher Lehrer sinkt rasch

ABC News berichten.

The number of male teachers in the United States is at a 40-year low. Out of the 3 million teachers in the United States, only one-quarter are men, according the National Education Association.

"Right now, we know that there's about 4 to 5 percent men in early education, about 9 percent in elementary education. And in high schools, we have about 14 percent," said Bryan Nelson, the founder of, a nonprofit organization working to increase number of men working in schools.

Nelson cites three main reasons for the absence of male teachers. "The first reason is stereotypes. People believe men aren't nurturing. The second reason is fear of accusations of abuse. People are afraid men are going to harm children. And the third reason is low status, low pay," he said.

Bis darauf, dass in Deutschland Lehrer besser bezahlt werden als in den USA, dürften die Gründe hierzulande ähnlich liegen.

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