Montag, August 04, 2008

Neue DNS-Tests weisen nach: Einer von fünf angeblichen Vätern falsch identifiziert

Studien, denen zufolge jedes fünfte Kind ein sogenanntes "Kuckuckskind" sei, gab es zwar schon vor zehn Jahren. Allerdings kritisierten manche diese Studien als recht kühn und wiesen auf Untersuchungen hin, die eine etwas geringere Rate ermittelten. In aktuellen britischen Untersuchungen indes zeigen sich wieder die hohen Zahlen:

Nearly one in five paternity claims handled by the Child Support Agency end up showing the mother has deliberately or inadvertently misidentified the father, figures show. (…)

Under child support legislation it is a criminal offence to make a false statement or representation, and to provide false documents or information. However, according to the CSA, there has not been a single prosecution of a woman for making a false claim. The figures showing the number of false paternity claims have been compiled using freedom of information legislation.

The latest figures for 2007-08 show that out of 3,474 tests ordered, 661 or 19% named the wrong man. The figure is a record for the CSA since central figures started to be collated nationally. The negative results for tests taken in 2004-05 were 10.6%, in 2005-06 were 16.4%, and 13.6% in 2006-07.

Government-approved paternity tests, based on samples in multiple parts of the body, are deemed to be 99.99% accurate. (…)

CSA rules state that if the DNA test establishes that the named father is the actual father, then he must pay for the cost of the test. If the DNA establishes he is not the father then the taxpayer pays, so there is no consquence for the mother in making a false claim.

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