Samstag, März 01, 2008

Italien: Oberstes Gericht verbietet Männern, sich in den Schritt zu fassen

Ein beliebter Slogan der Pro-Abtreibungs-Bewegung lautete "my body, my choice". Für Männer sieht das natürlich vollkommen anders aus. Der britische "Telegraph" berichtet:

Crotch-grabbing is an ancient superstitious habit in Italy that is believed to ward off the evil eye - it is traditional for men to do it if passed by a hearse or when discussing serious illness or disasters. The phrase "Io mi tocco" ("I touch my") is as common as crossing fingers for good luck. However, the supreme court ruled that an unnamed 42-year-old man from Como had broken the law by "ostentatiously touching his genitals through his clothing".

Hier geht es weiter.


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