Montag, Oktober 29, 2007

"It´s time to tell the truth"

In den USA ist man immer noch emsig dabei, die dicken Bretter der Medienmanipulation zum Thema häuslicher Gewalt aufzubohren. So fasst derzeit der Herald hübsch übersichtlich den Stand der Forschung zusammen:

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The month is designed to increase awareness of how to make our homes safe from partner violence. So what is the truth about intimate partner aggression? Nearly 200 scientific studies point to one simple conclusion: Women are at least as likely as men to engage in partner aggression.

Irene Hanson Frieze, in Psychology of Women's Quarterly, says "Research indicates that women can be just as violent as their partners." Don Dutton from the University of British Columbia notes that "Recent evidence from the best designed studies indicates that intimate partner violence is committed by both genders with often equal consequences." And the Journal of Family Psychology in 2006 tells us that "Differences were observed in the rates of male and female partner violence, with female violence occurring more frequently."

A 2007 survey sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control of young adults found that 71 percent of the instigators in nonreciprocal partner violence were women. A national survey of married and co-habiting partners found that 8 percent of women engaged in severe partner violence, while only 4 percent of men were involved in severe violence.

The result of this recent peer-reviewed and published research is much different than you have been led to believe, but you are not alone. Many researchers have noted lately that the results of their research are much different than they expected.


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