Dienstag, Dezember 19, 2006

„Viele sehen Frauen noch immer nicht als Sextäter“

Der Houston Chronicle schildert, wie sich die Wahrnehmung weiblicher Sextäter in den letzten Jahren verändert hat. Einerseits wird das Problem in Fachkreisen und auch der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit allmählich erkannt, andererseits haben es Jungen als Opfer noch immer schwerer und Frauen als Täterinnen leichter:

Shifts in the legal system and public opinion have made it easier to prosecute women who molest boys in their pubescent years, experts say. And cases continue to draw public attention. But those who work closely with victims such as Diana's grandson say rite-of-passage myths still make it hard for many, including jurors, to sympathize with older boys in such cases, who are also less likely to tell parents or police about abusive relationships with older women. (…) "The general public still does not let boys be victims like they do girls," said Hobbs, a 23-year veteran of the department. "And I don't think they hold the offenders as accountable when the offender is a female." (…) When Gartner started talking to fellow psychologists about the subject in the early 1990s, he said, he got a lot of "blank stares." People thought he was exaggerating the problem. Now, there are national organizations, conferences and online listserves dedicated to the topic.(...)

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