Donnerstag, Mai 14, 2015

Neuer britischer Justizminister: "Wir sind blind gegenüber der schamlosen Diskriminierung von Männern"

Ruby Stockham ist empört über den neuen britischen Justizminister Dominic Raab:

Raab (...) took an unusual stance on gender equality in 2011, when he expressed his fears that "from the cradle to the grave, men are getting a raw deal". He attacked the "obnoxious bigotry" of feminists and complained that men work longer hours than women (no mention of pay gap etc).

"While we have some of the toughest anti-discrimination laws in the world, we are blind to some of the most flagrant discrimination – against men."

Seeming to have fallen at the first hurdle – assuming that feminism is anti-men – Raab also suggested that men start "burning their briefs", presumably as a long- overdue retaliation against the feminists of the sixties (who did not, in fact, burn their bras.)

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Obwohl er in einem linken Blog veröffentlicht wurde, erhält Stockham in den Kommentaren sofort heftigen Gegenwind.

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