Mittwoch, Februar 11, 2015

Frau verwendet eigene Vagina, um ersten feministischen Joghurt herzustellen

Ich sagte ja schon früher, dass News aus der feministischen Welt seit einiger Zeit zunehmend wie eine Satire klingen ...

Cecilia Westbrook, Ph.D. medical student at the University of Wisconsin and cultured jizz whiz, made a few batches of the first known vagina yogurt using secretions produced by her own ladyparts. She explained:

"In a way, it’s so obvious. Like, of course you can make yogurt out of your natural flora. But who would think to do it? And of course the feminist in me wants to say something about how there’s a beauty in connecting your body to your food and exploring the power that your vagina has. Part of that is kind of a mystical hippie thing, but part of it is also just getting comfortable with your own body, especially in a culture that is so uncomfortable with women’s bodies."

Und da sag noch einer, Feministinnen hätten keine relevanten Ziele mehr und würden sich nur noch um sich selber drehen.

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