Dienstag, November 18, 2014

Mollie Hemingway: "Es ist Zeit, sich gegen feministische Tyrannen zu wehren"

Die Journalistin Mollie Hemingway blickt in einem aktuellen Artikel zurück auf das #shirtgate. Dabei geht sie auch auf die "Morddrohungen" ein, die die Publizistin Rose Eveleth erhalten haben soll, nachdem sie zu der Kampagne gegen Matt Taylor den Anstoß lieferte:

Shrill outrage site Jezebel claimed that Atlantic reporter Rose Eveleth, who started the “#shirtstorm,” had been subject to death threats. Their headline "Woman Gets Death Threats for Tweeting About Disliking A Dude’s Shirt" led to a story of a few people being mean to her and saying stuff like "jump off a cliff." As one Jezebel commenter noted, "they’re death threats in the same way that saying ‘go f— yourself’ is a rape threat."

Ich habe mich schon des öfteren gefragt, was eigentlich hinter diesen ominösen "Morddrohungen" steckt, die Feministinnen angeblich für jeden Furz erhalten haben sollen. Schön, dass das endlich mal geklärt wurde. Wenn ein Bloggerer oder Twitterer einen anderen mit Sprüchen wie "Ach, geh sterben" abkanzelt, zählt das aus feministischer Perspektive inzwischen offenbar als Morddrohung. Da scheinen es einige Leute verdammt nötig zu haben, so etwas zu konstruieren.

Insgesamt gelangt Mollie Hemingway nach ihrer Erörterung der feministischen Attacken auf Matt Taylor zu dem Fazit:

That’s it. Enough already. Enough. Enough. Enough. Whether we want to or not, we have to deal with our feminist bullying problem. (...) I know when bullies are picking on you, you might want to just get them to go away. You might think that cowering to their demands and offering a weepy testament of their superiority is a good way to go about this. You give them your lunch, they go away. You know the drill. And it may well be a good idea in the short-term. But if you care about how such acquiescing enables further bullying, you can’t do it. Time’s managing editor and Dr. Taylor made a mistake by apologizing. So has everyone else who has ever been forced to apologize for things that were either no big deal or not in any way wrong. What both should have done was tell people to grow up and gain some perspective. To stop obsessively whining about imagined slights and to cease being in a constant state of offense.

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