Montag, Oktober 20, 2014

USA: Kritiker der neuen Verordnungen zu "sexuellen Übergriffen" schwer zu diffamieren

Die linke US-Website The Daily Beast berichtet darüber, dass sich unter den Kritikern der neuen Verordnungen an amerikanischen Universitäten auch viele Linksliberale und sogar Feministinnen finden:

'Thus, the Harvard signatories include not only noted criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who has long been viewed as right of center in the culture wars, but preeminent African-American law professor and Barack Obama’s mentor Charles Ogletree and several renowned female jurists such as veteran civil rights attorney Nancy Gertner, constitutional scholar Martha Field, and feminist legal theorist Janet Halley. This protest is not easy to dismiss as a right-wing anti-woman backlash.

The Harvard 28 join other liberal and feminist dissenters from the campus anti-rape crusade. Among them is George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf, a public interest attorney who has not only battled the tobacco and food industries but championed women’s rights in major sex discrimination cases, notably thepush to force the Citadel military academy to admit women in the late 1980s. (His website boasts that he has been called a “radical feminist.”) In the past several months, Banzhaf has focused much of his attention on what he believes is a massive attack on the rights of students accused of sexual misconduct. The title of one of his press releases speaks for itself: "Illegals at Border Have More Rights Than College Students Accused of Rape."

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. Man sollte vielleicht mal Thomas Gesterkamp, Andreas Kemper, Hinrich Rosenbrock oder Robert Claus rüberschicken; dann werden aus all diesen linksliberalen Bürgerrechtlern schnell "Rechte". (Die Wikipedia kann man ja auch problemlos entsprechend frisieren.)

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