Mittwoch, Oktober 08, 2014

Finchers neuer Film "Gone Girl" als frauenfeindlich angeprangert

Zuerst mal ein Spoiler-Alert: Wer den wendungsreichen Thriller (und Bestseller) "Gone Girl" noch lesen oder seine Verfilmung durch David Fincher anschauen möchte, ohne vorher zu wissen, was passieren wird, sollte hier aufhören, diesen Genderama-Beitrag zu lesen. Ihr verderbt euch sonst sämtliche Überraschungen.




Der britische Guardian berichtet über wachsende feministische Proteste gegen diesen Film:

When Gillian Flynn’s novel was published in 2012, and became a bestseller, the US writer found herself accused of a "deep animosity towards women". Her gripping, if ludicrous story – be warned that the whole plot is coming – of Amy Dunne, a wealthy and beautiful psychopath whose revenge on her cheating husband involves framing him for her "murder", making up rape allegations against men (one of whom she murders during her demented spree) before trapping her broken husband by stealing his sperm, raised hackles. One blogger neatly summarised the objections to the character, saying she "is the crystallisation of a thousand misogynist myths and fears about female behaviour. If we strapped a bunch of men’s rights advocates to beds and downloaded their nightmares, I don’t think we’d come up with stuff half as ridiculous as this plot."

And so, with the release of the already-hyped film, we find ourselves here again. A piece in the Washington Post was headlined "Is Gone Girl’s Amy a misogynist? A misandrist? Or both?" (...) But writing (mansplaining?) on the news site Vox, Todd Van Der Werff proclaims Gone Girl "perhaps the most feminist mainstream movie in years, a forthright depiction of the ways that society controls women and forces them into certain roles, then lets men basically do whatever they want." He goes on to say: "In destroying her husband’s life, she’s symbolically taking back power for women everywhere." Which seems a little overblown, when most of the feminists I know just want, you know, equality.

Flynn, who identifies as a feminist, has become used to addressing accusations that she is anti-feminist. In an interview with the Guardian last year, she questioned whether feminism is "really only girl power, and you-go-girl, and empower yourself, and be the best you can be? For me, it’s also the ability to have women who are bad characters … the one thing that really frustrates me is this idea that women are innately good, innately nurturing. In literature, they can be dismissably bad – trampy, vampy, bitchy types – but there’s still a big push back against the idea that women can be just pragmatically evil, bad and selfish ... I don’t write psycho bitches. The psycho bitch is just crazy – she has no motive, and so she’s a dismissible person because of her psycho-bitchiness."

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