Montag, August 11, 2014

Robyn Urback: Protestler können Veranstaltung über Männerthemen nicht verhindern, feiern aber trotzdem

Lange nichts mehr von der Uni Toronto gehört, oder? Was geht da eigentlich mittlerweile ab?

Offenbar ist alles beim alten:

This was their march on Tiananmen Square.

A group of protesters — from the so-called Revolutionary Student Movement, the Proletarian Feminist Front and the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee — confronted a couple of speakers at the University of Toronto last week. Unhappy with the topic of the event (“Men’s Issues Go Global”) or the host of the event (University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society), protesters decided to interrupt the event by hollering slogans, clapping their hands and singing.

Campus security was called in to mitigate the disruption, and the event was moved to another location on campus. The protesters ostensibly then went home, or possibly convened elsewhere to celebrate their insurrection. Either way, the lecture continued.

By the protesters’ later account, however, their rebellion was akin to confronting and conquering proponents of "misogynist" messaging. (The event was actually about the struggles men and fathers face in family court, but that doesn’t really matter). On the Revolutionary Student Movement website, a blog post subsequently bragged that, "Revolutionaries shut down [a] Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) event at the University of Toronto."

The protesters’ post reads like a passage from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, written in the style of a supervillian manifesto (...)

Hier geht es weiter.

Und so berichten die Veranstalter selbst.

Für neue Leser: Hierzulande führen sich Feministinnen genauso auf. Christian Ulmen hat die Hauptmerkmale dieser Bewegung im Jahr 2014 wohl treffend beschrieben: Bock auf Krawall und ein fettes Problem mit dem Mann an sich.


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