Großbritannien: Feministischer Angriff auf männliche Sexualität geht weiter
In Großbritannien üben feministische Gruppen weiterhin massiven Druck auf Kioskbesitzer aus, um "lad mags" (hierzulande wären das Magazine wie "Men's Health", "FHM" und "Maxim") entweder ganz aus den Läden zu bekommen oder zumindest einzutüten, damit niemand mehr ihre Cover sehen oder in den Heften blättern kann:
In a bid to have these titles banned, activists are using equality legislation to scare retailers into submission, arguing they'll face legal action if they disobey their orders. So far, they've had some success. Earlier this month, it was revealed that The Co-Op have removed weekly title Nuts from their shelves because it refused to be bullied into a modesty bag, even though their covers have consciously been more conservative in recent weeks.
(...) Meanwhile, IPC's managing Director, Paul Williams, added: "The objection that niche lobby groups have against certain sectors of the media should not mean that the right to purchase a perfectly legal product is restricted for the over half a million readers. This is no longer a question of whether you like men’s magazines, it's a question of how far you can restrict the public’s ability to consume free and legal media before it becomes censorship."
And he's right. Because this campaign has nothing to do with equality - it's simply another fashionable attack on our young men. (...) Despite the fact we live in a post-sexual revolution society, where people can enjoy the human body without shame, here we have women taking a moral standpoint on men's free choice as adults. Yes people, it may be 2013, but we've swapped the repression of women for the repression of men.
Ironically, what these women fail to realise is that it's their actions that are sexist, not the magazines they despise. (...) In fact, these magazines are much more about men than they are the opposite sex, which is probably why they're being targeted in the first place. Anything enjoyed by men is now considered sexist.
(...) Quite frankly, these feminists - both male and female - need to get their priorities in order. If they're really so dedicated to gender equality and fairness, they should be addressing the bigger, more pernicious issues that underline society: the fact that three million UK men have no access to their children, the worrying trend of schools nationally failing boys and the painful reality that young men's suicide rates are at a ten-year high (for a reason: misandry). (...) Which begs a very important question: if feminism is such a benevolent force for good, as lads mags protesters say, why has it done nothing to change men's disadvantages in the 40 years it has been the political and social status quo?
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