Montag, August 12, 2013

Wenn der Vergewaltiger weiblich ist

Can a man be raped by a woman? That’s the question that popped up in my Twitter feed in response to a news story about a man in Florida who is fighting child support payments by claiming that his 4-year-old son was conceived when his then-girlfriend forced herself on him. That the question even has to be asked shows how limited our understanding is of sexual assault.

At the time, Kris Bucher was only 17 and his girlfriend, Jessica Fuller, was 18 — but he isn’t claiming sexual assault on statutory grounds. Bucher says Fuller climbed on top of him in the back seat of a car, held him down as he repeatedly said "no" and raped him. According to the St. Petersburg Times, "He said he tried to push Jessica off [but she was heavier than him]. He said he tried to pull the door handle to open the car door. He said she slammed her hand over the lock. He said it was over pretty fast."

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel. (Etwas irreführend darin ist die Aussage, dass Männer weit überwiegend von Männern vergewaltigt werden. Wie auf Genderama schon mehrfach angesprochen, scheint der Grund für diesen Fehlschluss darin zu liegen, dass bei der hier zugrundeliegenden Definition eine Vergewaltigung nur dann stattfindet, wenn dabei in das Opfer eingedrungen wird, und andere Formen von unfreiwilligem Sex, den Männer erleben, außen vor bleiben.)

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