Huffington Post: Männerhassender Feminismus mehr als nur ein Mythos
Octavia Sheepshanks stößt zu der wachsenden Schar von Menschen, die allmählich begreifen, dass der reale Feminismus wenig mit der Reklame zu tun hat, die dafür gemacht wird. In der Huffington Post schildert sie ihre Beobachtungen:
Do you believe that all human beings are equal? Then you're a feminist!
Well, such was my naïve belief, until now. While disagreements between supporters of any movement or system of beliefs are unavoidable, I thought that at least human equality was one area in which feminists would unite. I saw the notion of a feminist as being anti-men as merely one of many unjustified stereotypes, such as being ugly, or unwomanly.
Recently, however, I realised that man-hating feminism was all too real. My first experience of this was on Twitter. An article in the Independent had revealed that many men experience lasting psychological trauma at the birth of their children. I was horrified by the experiences described. Unfortunately, certain feminists of twitter were not. One lamented: "They can't even let us have childbirth without fucking whining about what a hard time they have"; another declared that the traumatised men were "just squeamish", a reaction ominously similar to men in decades past who have labelled women as "hysterical". When I tried to explain that the article made the obviously correct assumption that childbirth is more traumatising for women, and simply reported undeniable trauma also experienced by certain men, I was accused of "trolling", and of not knowing "much about feminism". Finally, when I responded by saying that my words were due to a belief that "feminism at its heart should be about women being equal to men", I was met with the response, "it's a women's movement. Men do not get a say in it and they take opportunities to hijack and derail."
Hier geht es weiter. Zum Schluss ihres Artikels gelangt Sheepshanks zu dem Fazit:
It is vital that the women guilty of such alienation swallow their pride and reflect that men should be permitted to have opinions, just like them. Feminism has a severe image problem, and if this is to change, it must present itself as an all-encompassing movement.
Das dürfte den Mainstream-Feministinnen schwer zu vermitteln sein. Bis jetzt kamen sie hervorragend damit durch, nicht-feministischen Männern in der Geschlechterdebatte keine eigene Meinung zuzugestehen (wofür sie bis heute eifrige männliche Unterstützer finden), und das Image-Problem des Feminismus schieben sie auf die Frauenfeindlichkeit des Patriarchats. Ich bin sehr skeptisch, ob diese Bewegung noch reformfähig ist.
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