Samstag, März 09, 2013

Universität Toronto: Feueralarm geht los, als Männerrechtlerin spricht – aber die freie Rede setzte sich durch

An der kanadischen Universität Toronto fokussiert sich noch immer die offenbar brisante Frage, ob man im akademischen Raum Leute sprechen lassen darf, die sich nicht der feministischen Ideologie unterwerfen. (Genderama berichtete.) Das Studentenmagazin "On Campus" schildert den Vortrag der feminismuskritischen kanadischen Professorin Janice Fiamengo:

I was expecting the police officers, the provocative placards, and the rent-a-protesters with neon hair and black face coverings.

I was also expecting the fire alarm to go off—and it did—five minutes after Janice Fiamengo’s lecture started in the nearly full George Ignatieff Theatre at the University of Toronto on Thursday evening.

After all, the last time a person spoke against academic feminism on campus, when Warren Farrell visited in November, approximately 100 protesters barred the doors. They wouldn’t try that again, but I figured they’d try to shut things down, and fire alarms can be effective if, during the confusion, enough people give up and leave.

What I wasn’t expecting was a full house 20 minutes later, after the fire department gave the all clear, or that the controversial University of Ottawa professor would make it all the way through her lecture "What’s wrong with women’s studies?" without an angry mob attempting to shout her down.

Don’t misunderstand me. They denounced her lecture vigorously, but not until the question and answer period after she spoke. During the lecture, most people were respectfully silent.

Das ist immerhin ein Schritt nach vorne, auch im Vergleich zu der letzten feminismuskritischen Uni-Veranstaltung, die ich erlebt habe.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel und erfährt, was genau Professorin Fiamengo zu sagen hatte.

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