Donnerstag, März 14, 2013

Erin Pizzey spricht auf "Women of the World Festival" über Gewalt gegen Männer

Außerhalb Deutschlands gibt es tatsächlich Bewegung, was das Thema häusliche Gewalt und die Überwindung des Klischees vom alleinigen Täter Mann angeht. Andy Thomas berichtet für The Voice of Men über eine Veranstaltung in London:

In her past, Erin has been subjected to intimidation, death threats and violence from feminists who eventually forced her to flee England. It was understandable, therefore, that she should be a little nervous about speaking at the Women of the World Festival on domestic violence. Rod and I were there to represent MRA London and the wider Men’s Human Rights Movement.

(...) As things transpired, the event—a debate titled "Domestic Violence: No Refuge"—went smoothly, save for one unhinged feminist Dalek who, toward the end, gave us all a taste of her own personal hell with a screaming rage-fuelled rant about “racist males and patriarchy”. She continued with her angry shouting later, when she intercepted Erin and followed her as she was leaving the venue. Fortunately, she was the only one we encountered and my fears of an audience packed with feminist war-machines never materialised.

(...) It was quite apparent that many of the people in the room recognised that gender stereotypes were often inapplicable, and many appeared genuine in their concern for all who suffer abuse, whether they be little boys, girls, men or women. For example, Sue Wallis explained how her refuge had changed it’s name in recent years so as not to exclude men and boys.

(...) As men’s human rights advocates, we have come to understand the stark truth that, when it comes to males, few seem to care—not men themselves, and certainly not governmental departments and most NGOs. That is why the Home Office doesn’t think it necessary to mention men and boys at all in their public statements. In fact, it is often women who will show more concern for men and boys, and I found it heartening that a female member of the audience showed recognition of the likelihood that the official BCS figures will underreport male suffering.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel.

Wie ich schon vor ein paar Tagen sagte: Bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem radikalen Feminismus findet kein Kampf zwischen Männern und Frauen statt, sondern zwischen empathiebefähigten Bürgern und einer selbsterklärten Elite in Politik, Medien und ideologisierten Bereichen des akademischen Betriebs.

(Und falls nicht jeder weiß, was ein Dalek ist, mit dem die oben erwähnte Radikalfeministin verglichen wurde ...)

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