Freitag, Juli 17, 2009

Neue US-Studie über Gewalterfahrungen von Heranwachsenden

Einer neuen amerikanischen Studie zufolge liegen bei Heranwachsenden beide Geschlechter gleichauf, was Gewalterfahrungen angeht. Der Hauptunterschied ist, dass Männer eher Opfer von körperlicher und Frauen eher Opfer von emotionaler Gewalt (Lächerlich-Machen, unvernünftige Eifersucht etc.) werden:

Young men and women in college are equally likely to be victims of physical or emotional violence, a new study shows.

Published online in the Journal of Adolescent Health (subscription required), the study comes from a survey of about 2,000 students who sought treatment at health clinics at five universities in Wisconsin, Seattle and Vancouver in 2006-7. Similar rates of young men and women -- 17 percent and 16 percent, respectively -- reported experiencing violence within the previous six months. While men were more likely to report physical abuse, women reported a high rate of emotional abuse, which was defined as acts like "repeated ridicule, threatening statements, destroying belongings and unreasonable jealousy" and considered separate from physical violence. (...)

"(We) found that of those who experienced violence, the rates of emotional violence by intimate partners was the same for men and for women," she said. "That's not something that is commonly known -- people generally don't see that."

Of those who reported emotional abuse, according to the study, more than 40 percent of both male and female students said they were dating or otherwise romantically involved with the perpetrators.

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