Samstag, November 08, 2008

Forbes: "Frauen sind nicht die besseren Führer"

Im amerikanischen Wirtschaftsmagazin Forbes beschäftigt sich Elisabeth Eaves damit, dass immer mehr Männer die feministische Position von Frauen als den angeblich besseren Menschen übernähmen – eine Idee, die allerdings schon vor dem Aufkommen des Feminismus recht verbreitet gewesen sei:

A story in The New York Times on men who support vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin elicited some interesting quotes. An insurance agent from Indiana asked rhetorically, "Who can't trust a mother?" A former truck driver in North Carolina said, "They bear us children, they risk their lives to give us birth, so maybe it's time we let a woman lead us." He went on: "The sexual drives and big egos of male leaders have gotten in the way of politics in this country."

They may not know it, but these men are what academics call "difference" or "cultural" feminists, believing that women deserve equal rights not because, as humans, they are basically the same as men, but because of their differences--and even that those differences in some ways make women superior.

This idea that inherent female qualities make women better leaders has been kicked around many times by everyone from radical feminists, who argued that women were flat-out better, to the Catholic Church and its cult of Mary. In the 19th century, adherents of the so-called Cult of True Womanhood deemed women more pure and pious than men.

Hier erklärt Eaves, warum das unaufhörliche Gefasel von Frauen als den besseren Menschen zuletzt auch den Frauen selbst schade.

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