Samstag, April 25, 2015

Klageschrift in Zusammenhang mit Matratzenmädel enthält pikanten Schriftwechsel

Das liberale Magazin weiß Neues über den Studenten zu berichten, der von einer Kommilitonin und unkritischen Medien international als Vergewaltiger gebrandmarkt wurde:

Paul Nungesser, the Columbia University student accused of raping fellow student Emma Sulkowicz, is now suing the university for doing nothing to stop Sulkowicz's harassment campaign against him, which he claims "effectively destroyed" his college experience, reputation, and future career prospects.

(...) The lawsuit contains additional correspondence unreported thus far—much of it crude, although relevant to the incident. Sulkowicz broached several sexual topics with Nungesser: she talked to him about whether her boyfriend was using protection (with her, and with the other women he was sleeping with at the time), she asked Nungesser whether he was dating or sleeping with anyone, and she implied an interest in anal sex (she texted him "fuck me in the butt"). After Nungesser and Sulkowicz began sleeping together, the lawsuit asserts that Sulkowicz "asked Paul to engage in anal sex with her."

None of that proves one way or another whether Sulkowicz consented to sex on the evening that he allegedly raped her, of course. It’s possible that Sulkowicz withdrew her consent and Nungesser continued—in brutal, violent fashion. But taken together, the messages she continued to send him even after he allegedly attacked her—as well as some of her demonstrably false assertions, including that she never brought up anal sex with him—certainly look bad for her.

(...) I can say that those in the media who uncritically re-reported Sulkowicz’s claims and gave credence to her antics should be feeling rather ashamed of themselves. With each new development, this story begins to look more and more like a Rolling Stone job.

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