Dienstag, März 31, 2015

Auch männliche Aborigines Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt

In letzter Zeit liest man Beiträge über das Problem "häusliche Gewalt gegen Männer" nicht nur in Bezug auf die westliche Gesellschaft, sondern etwa auch aus Ländern wie Indien und den arabischen Staaten. Bei den Ureinwohnern Australiens sieht es nicht anders aus:

Domestic violence against men is just as common as it is for women in some Aboriginal communities. But Aboriginal men are hesitant to speak up because they fear being "shame jobs".

Former Pioneer footballer Geoffrey Miller says there is a lack of services in Central Australia that can effectively deal with these issues men face. "When I was working with DASA (Drug & Alcohol Services Association), it was the main problem we had," he said. "Women have their own legal aid and shelter — it’s all in place, but for men — there’s no shelter. What we used to call the men’s shelter was the prison cause that was the only place to go, even if it’s not their fault. If they stepped off their track, they ended up in prison — not a shelter."

Miller, who previously won a Prime Minister’s Award for providing excellence in service to the community, said a men’s shelter would address a lot of issues that happen in town, like the anti-social behaviour and drinking in the streets.

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