Donnerstag, November 20, 2014

Kann die Wissenschaft ein grelles T-Shirt überleben?

Viele von euch langweilt das Thema "shirtgate" inzwischen möglicherweise zu Tode – aber stellt euch erst mal vor, wie sich die Feministinnen fühlen müssen, an denen ihre Überempfindlichkeit und ihre komplett verrutschten Maßstäbe derzeit kleben wie Scheiße am Schuh. Immer wieder tauchen neue Leute auf, die das "shirtgate" kommentieren möchten. Einer der aktuellsten Beiträge beginnt so:

When Giovanni da Verrazzano returned from his famous 16th-century voyage exploring North America, the king of France rebuked him for lack of gender inclusivity aboard La Dauphine.

When William Clark and Meriwether Lewis made it to the Pacific Ocean and back, President Thomas Jefferson quizzed them about any microaggressions they might have committed against their Indian interpreter Sacagawea during the arduous trip.

When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and said his memorable line about "one small step for a man," President Richard Nixon called to register his regret that Armstrong had strongly implied that only men could walk on the moon.

None of this actually happened, of course, but only because all of these epic human achievements occurred before the advent of Twitter and the modern feminist perpetual-outrage machine. Otherwise, Verrazzano would have been browbeaten and forced into ritual apologies long before any of the natives got a chance to eat him.

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