Freitag, Juli 04, 2014

Indien: Männerrechtler erzielen Richterspruch gegen leichtfertige Festnahmen bei häuslicher Gewalt (Videos)

In a landmark judgement Indian Supreme Court struck down the automatic arrest provision of its Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and went on to order future action or punishment against Police officials and lower court judges, who violate its order and indulge in automatic arrests of accused men. This is historic, though MRAs want punishment and jail terms for women who lie and make false allegations against their husbands (...).

In last 24 hours, MRAs of various Indian Men’s Rights Organisations have participated in more than 10 TV debates.

Hier findet man den vollständigen Artikel.

Über den Erfolg der indischen Männerrechtler berichtet auch der britische Independent.


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