Huffington Post titelt: "Die Welt konzentriert sich auf die Anliegen der Frauen, während sie die der Männer fröhlich ignoriert"
Wenn man aus deutscher Perspektive, wo Medien und Politik das Thema Männerdiskriminierung bis heute weitgehend totschweigen, einen Blick nach Großbritannien wirft, bekommt man regelmäßig einen kleinen Kulturschock. Aktuelles Beispiel ist die Huffington Post: Dort interviewte die Männerrechtlerin Claire-Louise Meadows (Herausgeberin des Online-Magazins After Nyne) vorgestern den Journalisten Peter Lloyd, der sein Fitness-Center wegen Diskriminierung verklagte und damit große Aufmerksamkeit erntete:
"To add insult to injury" says Lloyd, in a heartfelt article in the Daily Mail last month, "they still charge full-price membership without offering men the equivalent option of a 'male-only' session."
I have been watching the case develop with interest, as a journalist and blogger with special research interests in the rights of men and boys.
And I am not the only one. Prominent human-rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has described Lloyd's campaign as "sensible and fair".
Erin Pizzey, domestic violence shelter founder turned men's right campaigner has also pledged her support "this discrimination has no place in modern society" she says.
In dem Interview nennt Lloyd die Hintergründe für seine Aktion:
Primarily, I took action because the gym's policy is discriminatory, but also because I wanted to wake people up - men, women, council staff and gym bosses. Men and boys constantly suffer sexism, and a small issue like this is a building block for other male discriminations such as father's rights, circumcision and the life expectancy gap. I want to help change that. (...) It amazed me that men had no real voice in mainstream media - despite the scale of their modern issues. Editors have simply just given them sports pages.
Zum Thema Feminismus befragt, erklärt Lloyd:
Equality is wonderful - it's definition is clear and inflexible. Feminism is different. While many feminists are fair and balanced, much of the feminist ideology has been hijacked, corrupted and bastardised by misandrists. (...) Perhaps when these women have sons or grandsons they'll realise that we're all connected Currently, the world is focusing on women's issues while happily ignoring men's. That's like flying a plane with one wing. The ending will inevitably be disastrous.
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