Mittwoch, Februar 27, 2008

Neues "Männerhaus" in den USA

Einrichtungen, die sich statt um geprügelte Frauen um männliche Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt kümmern, sind weltweit extrem dünn gesät. (In Deutschland gibt es je eine solche Männer-Wohnhilfe in Berlin und in Oldenburg.) Jetzt hat im US-Bundesstaat Ohio die Vereinigung "First Step" ein neues Männerhaus eröffnet:

Now First Step has taken its next step by opening a shelter for male victims of domestic violence and fathers who are struggling to maintain relationships with their children. Officials say they believe "The Bridge," as the new shelter is called, is the first of its kind in Ohio.

"We're stepping out. We're doing something that has not been done before," said Terri Mercer, executive director of First Step. She and Esuga Abaya, the agency's community resource coordinator, say First Step has worked with an increasing number of men in recent years. The agency has, at times, made arrangements for male victims to stay at hotels or find other safe housing, but the options were limited.

Because domestic violence agencies are geared toward women, Mrs. Mercer and Mr. Abaya are well aware not everyone will agree there's a need to serve men.

"I don't know which we're going to get more resistance for - people saying there are no male victims of domestic violence or that there are no disenfranchised fathers," Mr. Abaya said.

"We've had enough experience in the last few years to legitimate this service."

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